Ash Plantain, an innovative vegan substitute for eggs. Harvested sustainably, it offers a unique texture that makes it a versatile ingredient in various vegan dishes. With its unique texture and versatility, it serves as a plant-based alternative to eggs in your salad and other culinary creations. With its ability to mimic the appearance and flavour of eggs, ash plantain invites you to explore new horizons in plant-based cooking.
Features & Benefits*
High dietary fibre content
A good source of Vitamins
Naturally enriched numerous minerals and antioxidants
No added flavours or colours
*Supported by scientific research
Variants & Product Origins
All-Natural/With Additives
Organic/Organic FT/Conventional/Conventional FT
Available Pack Sizes
350 g, 400 g, 500 g Glass Jars
400 g, 550 g EOE Cans
3 kg Non EOE Cans
700 g Retort Pouch
24 Months